Website Hosting and Development

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Design your webpage with visitors in mind. Optimize your images to reduce the load time

As you may know all successful web sites are designed with visitors in mind. There are way too many website elements that can (and should) be customized in order to make you visitors happy. Website content, the amount of relevant and accurate information, eye catchy design, incorporated audio and visual effects are just some of the mentioned elements. These are well discussed topics and a lot of professionals can argue about each of them, what they should and should not to do and how to avoid common traps and mistakes.

One of usually omitted topic is your webpage load time. With fast Internet connection that should not be a big problem, but most of us tend to quickly forget people that are still using dial-up. If your webpage is graphically rich, and your graphics are not well optimized, it might be a frustrating experience for your visitors with dial-up. What should you do to speed up your webpage load time? There are several things that you can change that will boost your webpage load performance. One of them is quick and easy to implement (if it is not already done):

  • Divide your large image into several smaller images and bring them together. By doing this, instead of one large data stream that loads your single image, you will have several small data streams that are loading simultaneously.

More on this topic in following posts…

Cheers, Marin
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